Most contributions to a published work of fiction
Devika Sharma
122 total number
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (Dubai)

The most contributions to a published work of fiction is 122 and was achieved by The Moving Type, published in Sharjah, UAE on 21 December 2021.

The Moving Type, a book created by 122 authors and illustrators across the globe during the pandemic published by Austin Macauley Publishers. All proceeds are donated to the Lions Clubs International Foundation.

Born in the middle of the pandemic, The Moving Type is one story, with each new chapter written by a new author. 122 writers from the UK, Australia, the US, India, the Middle East, and so much more to become the largest fictional writing collaboration in the world. Hence, the name: The Moving Type. The fictional, almost sci-fi premise follows four friends who find themselves caught in a pharmaceutical conspiracy in the midst of a global pandemic.