Youngest person to circumnavigate the globe by motorcycle (male)
kane avellano
23:365 year(s), day(s)
Großbritannien (Worldwide)

The youngest circumnavigation by motorcycle (male) is 23 years and 365 days and was achieved by Kane Avellano (UK, b. 20 January 1993) at South Shields Town Hall, South Shields, UK on 19 January 2017.

The circumnavigation began on the 31st of May 2016 and ended on the 19th of January 2017, a day before Avellano's 24th birthday. The total duration of the journey was 233 days. Avellano covered more than 28,000 mi (45062 km), passing through 36 countries and 6 continents and negotiating extremes of weather from Indian monsoons to the intense heat of Australia’s deserts.