Tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks in 30 seconds (team of two)
Bobby Holt, Jason Worley , Silvio Sabba, Julijana Jankovska
42 total number
Italien (Rodano)

The tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks in 30 seconds (team of two) is 42 bricks, and was achieved by Jason Worley and Bobby Holt (both USA), at the Guinness World Records Museum, in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA on 11 July 2013. This was equalled by Silvio Sabba (Italy) and Julijana Jankovska (Macedonia) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 18 March 2019.

Silvio Sabba and Julijana Jankovska have achieved multiple records together.